Women's Ministry

Because we loved you so much, we were delighted
to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.
1 Thessalonians 2:8
The purpose of the Women's Ministries at New Life Church is to provide a place for women to connect and find community with other women, grow in faith, and serve as the body of Christ.  The Bible urges women to teach and model to other women sound faith, love, and endurance in our Christian lives as we gather together to encourage one another.  
Please contact Gail at gail.mills5@gmail.com with questions or suggestions!

Join us for our upcoming events,  Women's Bible Studies and
other areas of service and fellowship.

Current Women's Bible Studies

1:30pm- "Romans VIII" by Dr. David Jeremiah with Lynne Reitz facilitating begins 9/17
Join this group of ladies for verse by verse through the greatest chapter in God's Word. Everything you need to know about the Christian walk, from the assurance of your salvation to the work of the Spirit, can be found in this powerful text. Be prepared to be challenged, transformed, and encouraged by the life-changing truths found in this study, books are $10.
6:30pm- "Seamless" Understanding the Bible as one complete story by Angie Smith with Bertie Eastman facilitating
Join this group of ladies for a video-based Bible study in 7 sessions, Seamless covers the people, places, and promises of the Bible, tying them together into the greater story of Scripture. You'll gain an overarching understanding of the fundamental layout and meaning of God's Word. Books are $16

9-10am  "The Story of Redemption" the Book of  Judges by The Daily Grace Co. 
Join this group of ladies as they study "The Story of Redemption" by The Daily Grace Co. This study highlights how each chapter of the Bible points to Jesus Christ and where it fits in the big picture story of Scripture, the story of redemption. Tonya Bartholomew is facilitating this class, childcare is provided, books are $5.

These studies are all located at the church.  Feel free to join in at anytime.

Hello Sweetie (mark your calendars)
Sunday, October 6th at 6:30pm-more details to come

To check out these events in our calendar click here.

Women's Ministry Survey

Take this quick survey to tell us about what you would like to see in the Women's Ministry at New Life Church!