This Week at New Life:
What's Happening this week:
- Church Office Closed
- LH&F Preschool 8:15-11:15am; 12-3pm
- Church Office Open 9-12 & 1-3pm
- LH&F Preschool 8:15-10:45am; 12-3pm
- Women's Bible Study "Angels" 1:30pm
- Women's Bible Study "1st Peter Sermon Series" 6:30pm
- College Group-6:30pm
- Church Office Open 9-12 & 1-3pm
- LH&F Preschool 8:15-11:15am; 12-3pm
- Middle School Youth Group 6-7:30pm
- Dinner is served at 6pm, followed by worship and study
- FPU Class 6-7:30pm with Trevor Nelson
- Adult Bible Study 6:30-7:30pm - 2 Timothy with Tyler Davison
- Marriage Class 6:30-7:30pm with Pastor Tim & Jill Morrow
- Kids Catechism Class -Kindergarten-5th grade 6-7:30pm
- Nursery available for kids ages 0-4years
- Church Office Open 9-12 & 1-3pm
- LH&F Preschool 8:15-10:45am; 12-3pm
- Women's Bible Study "The Coming King" 9-10am
- childcare is provided for this study
- Theology Thursday 12-1pm with Pastor Tim Morrow
- Men's Breakfast & Study at 6:30am
- Church Office Open 9-12 & 1-3pm
- LH&F Preschool 8:15-11:15am
Sunday: Worship Services - 8am; 9:30am & 11am/Kids Sermon
- Nursery available during all services for ages 0-4 years
- KidsLife classes resume next week 2/2
- Parenting the Love & Logic Way 4-6pm
- childcare is provided for this class
- HS Group 6-7:30pm
- Delve into the word , fellowship & snacks