Children and Student Ministries


The Children's Ministry at New Life Church of Powell is dedicated to partner with parents to lay a foundation of faith, foster growth into a personal relationship with Christ, and cultivate a life of discipleship in our young people. To achieve this mission, we have thoughtful and intentional programming for our children ages 0-6th grade on Sunday mornings. If you have any questions feel free to contact Amy McLain or Stacey Cannon.

Shortly after worship, Pastor will dismiss the children to their age appropriate classes so that they may learn on their level. It is our intention that our children hear God's word and the Gospel presented in a way that they can receive and begin to develop their own personal walk with the Lord and continue to grow in His word.

Student Ministries 

Join us every Wednesday for our Middle School Youth Group 6th- 8th grade. Dinner, games, worship, and lessons covering the Life of Christ.
 On Sunday evening our 9th through 12 graders gather have snacks and develop a better understanding of the important doctrines of the Christian faith.
Tuesday at 6:30pm our College students gather for food and a study.

NLC Student ministries

6th- 8th: Wednesday 6-7:30pm
9th and 12th: Sunday 6- 7:30pm

College: Tuesday 6:30pm

185 South Tower Blvd. Powell, WY 82435


Questions about KIDSLIFE, contact Amy at or Stacey at
Questions about Youth Group or Sunday Night Study contact Miles at 

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